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SOS Bali is back with another spectacular event: "Million Meals March" to help the needy in Bali

SOS Bali Team

Are you ready?

The question that started the Snowball of Solidarity almost two months ago.

A snowball that reached a “luar biasa” momentous size thanks to the dedication, spirit and compassion of everyone who was involved in making it happen.

The purpose of the Million Meals March was to raise funds to help SOS in our mission to provide Positive Food Equity island wide and impact as many people as possible. Which is why we’re so excited to announce that the money raised will help us provide over Half a Million meals to the people who need it most.

Kerambitan was chosen as the location for this event due to its cultural authenticity, rich history, stunning landmarks/views and more than welcoming hosts from Puri Anyar Kerambitan. An all-round holistic representation of Bali and it’s people.

However, reaching this moment was no easy wasn’t an easy task for the SOS team. Many long days spent behind a laptop and in meetings figuring out the best way to raise awareness for the event. Many hours spent going back and forth from Kerambitan to organize the route and collaborate with the incredible team up there in order to make sure that the event was as close to perfect as possible.

“In the beginning of planning the March I really struggled to gain momentum and had second thoughts on the ability to get people to March a long distance in the Bali Heat and humidity. However, 3 weeks before the registrations began pouring in and the communities of Bali rallied together to create another amazingly successful event. Thanks to everyone involved, unbelievable efforts across the board!” – DJ Denton – Project & Event Manager at Scholars of Sustenance.

Those last three weeks leading up to the event were hectic to say the least as DJ rightly said the support came pouring in and soon this small snowball was hitting Mach speeds and growing by the minute, until it finally came to a smashing success on the Days of the Million Meals March (26th & 27th of March).

Before the day of 30K everyone gathered at the picturesque Puri Anyar Kerambitan for an opening ceremony and dinner like no other. A true representation of Balinese hospitality and elegance, with a fantastic feast of local delicacies, a display of traditional goods such as Arak and Jamu, beautiful music and captivating dances that enticed everyone to join in. Leaving everyone satisfied in mind, body and soul ready to take on the following days challenge.

65 Marching heroes woke up before the crack of dawn, stretched their legs and readied their spirits before heading back to where it all began: Puri Anyar Kerambitan. The morning there was filled with banana peels, water refills, sunscreen and exhilaration as everyone was keen to set off along this amazing route in Solidarity.

“The event was so well organized! I appreciated knowing there would be checkpoints every 5 kilometers. Everyone was so encouraging and lovely. Only challenge was how hot it was.🥵” – Beth

“An incredible opportunity to be in involved in service to the community. Organized amazingly well and thoroughly satisfying to be a part of" – Damien

“Nothing less than my respect for everyone involved in Scholars of Sustenance, staff & volunteers. We know how crazily busy your daily jobs at the rescue kitchen is, but to organize this fundraiser so well is nothing but amazing, hats off. Will sign up for the next one blindly. 🙏” – Sin

“Hats off to all the efforts you guys are putting in for the people of Bali. We just had a great day with a perfect organized run. Thank you 🙏🏼 Anytime again” - Conrad

“What an amazing event! Well organized, amazing team spirit and a beautiful cause. We enjoyed every minute of it, from the fundraising to the actual March! Congratulations on your success and we trust our March has assisted the SOS team in supporting many families in Bali.” – Titus

“As a Balinese I'm deeply touched to see all the efforts made to feed the needy in Bali, not only from all the SOS Bali staff and volunteers but also from all the participants in the Million Meals March. That love I felt you all share for Bali gave me the energy and will power to finish this March. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, for organizing, participating and donating” - Much luv Gek (Agung Mas Paramita) 🙏❤️

" Compassion and commitment are what made This March and the funds that were raised so successful. " - Faustine

"Saya sangat berterima kasih atas ivent ini karena bisa melibatkan warga kami di desa baturiti intuk mendapatkan sedikit penghasilan, dan kami sebagai kelompok sadar wisata ( POKDARWIS ) sangat terbantu dalam mempromosikan wisata alam dan budaya di desa kami 🙏" Pak Made

"Kami an. Kelian Br. Adat Kukuh, sangat mengapresiasi kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Yayasan SOS dgn thema Million Meals March dlm rangka penggalangan dana untuk kemanusiaan. Semoga dilain waktu kegiatan seperti ini bisa dilakukan lagi, tentunya dikemas dgn warna yang berbeda dan menarik shg para peserta bs terhibur dan menumbuhkan imun dan kesehatan fisik. Salam. 🙏

We’re so proud of each and every one of them for finishing like champions despite the blazing sun that was berating them throughout the day, they’re all SOS heroes and we can’t thank them enough, looking forward seeing them all again next year ;).




A Food Rescue & Environmental Foundation

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Address: 77 Lan Luang Road, Wat Sommanat, Pom Prap Sattru Phai,

Bangkok 10100

SOS Indonesia:

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Address: Jl. Danau Tamblingan, No. 53,Sanur, Kota Denpasar, Bali 80228

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Address: 72 Maayusin street, UP Village, Quezon City, Philippines 1128





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