Rice-packs are not enough!
SOS was founded years ago to rescue surplus food from hotels and retailers, avoiding food waste going to the landfill to emit toxic methane gasses. We were all about protecting the environment while feeding the hungry. but Covid hit hard and our lives have changed. We now work with the government and larger donors, and we are a professional food bank applying many more food types to help the needy. We focus on volume and quick distribution to the most in need, and we realized something recently, that after a natural disaster you need as much food to as many people as possible, and this is not a short-lived hunger situation. Thousands of people have lost their jobs and many more are without food– so we need to increase the volume of more nutritious foods toserve to the many hungry people and those now suffering from the added burden of jobs lost.
SOS focuses on nutrition and volume, we used to create something out of nothing. We turned surplus foods with no value into nutritious meals, but at the start of the Covid-19 crisis we joined the pop-up well-meaning organizations and had to forget our base principles about nutritious foods. But time wears us all down and now is the time to rethink how we can help people for an extended period. To boost everyone’s immune system we need vitamins, good macro-nutrients, and healthy food.
SOS is cooking for volume and nutrition, and we focus on getting the food to the most needy recipients. Nothing has changed from our original vision of rescuing good nutrition for the most possible, while avoiding food waste – we just had to adapt to the crisis, because we were doing this long before COVID and we will be here long after. We do this for the LAND, the PEOPPLE and the SPIRIT!